
1. My sister doesn"t like going to the party because she often gets nervous in front of
    many people.  (对画线部分提问)    
    ___    _              your sister go to the party?
2. Our teacher is so tired that he can"t play basketball with us. (改为同义句)    
    Our teacher is __     __ tired ___     _ play basketball with us.
3. I think your little sister is very shy. (改为否定句)    
    I ____      think your little sister ____      very shy.
4. I am afraid of speaking in front of strangers. (改为同义句)    
    I am ___    _              speaking in front of strangers.
5. Our teacher wants me to represent my class in the contest. (对画线部分提问)   
    ___    _              your teacher want you to do?
