
小题1:Amy is very________(幽默的).She often makes us laugh.
小题2:Young people usually have more_________(活力)than the old.
小题3:People in our town like________(储蓄)money in the bank.
小题4:No one can________(允诺)you success.All you need to do is to work hard.
小题5:The doctor________(建议)me to take more exercise and I acted as he told me.
小题6:Be_______(practice)!We don’t have enough money to buy such an expensive car.
小题7:Chairman Hu Jintao is the top_______(lead)in China.
小题8:It’s_________(fair)to make him do it alone.
小题9:The sun gives us______(warm)and makes us feel comfortable.
小题10:The sun gives us not only light but also________(hot)
