
从括弧里选择正确的代词填入空内:1)If students wish to go into business upon graduation,_____must find sources of funds.(he,she,they,them,their)2)Perhaps he will organize the business with someone else;_____would then become partners.(they,their)3)Their board of directors would make_____first appearance immediately.(its,their)4)Each employee should do all_____can to help the business get started.(he,she,they)5)The manager asked the employees when_____wanted their lunch hour.(he,she,they)6)The personnel office will determine_____list of qualifications for new employees,(its,their)7)When the new stationery arrived,_____was taken immediately to the manager.(them,it,they)8)Those_____exceed the standard performance quota will be rewarded.(who,whom)9)Please find out_____card has not been punched.(whose,who)10)Neither the typist nor the file clerk completed_____work as requested.(her,his,their)
