
Once a great boxer(拳击手),Tom Black, went to a restaurant for supper. He took off his coat and left it at the door, but he was afraid that somebody would take it away. So he took out a piece of paper and wrote on it,“The great boxer, Tom Black, has left his coat here.He’ll be back in a few minutes.”He put the paper on his coat and went to have his dinner. When he returned, however, his coat was not there. He just found a piece of paper in its place. It said,“A great runner has taken away you coat, and he will never come back again.”
根据短文,从题中所级的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案Who was Tom Black?This story happened ______He wrote his name on the paper and put it on the coat because he _____What happened at last?Who wrote the second piece of paper?

A great runner,A great boxer,A P.E. teacher,A great thinker,A great runner,A great boxer,A P.E. teacher,A great thinker,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,at noon,in the morning,in the afternoon,in the evening,at noon,wanted all the people to know his name,wanted to be famous,was afraid other people would take his coat away,wanted to show he was a great boxer,wanted all the people to know his name,wanted to be famous,was afraid other people would take his coat away,wanted to show he was a great boxer,His coat was still there,Nobody saw the paper,He found his coat,Someone took his coat,His coat was still there,Nobody saw the paper,He found his coat,Someone took his coat,The thief(小偷),Tom Black,A waiter,Tom’s a friend,The thief(小偷),Tom Black,A waiter,Tom’s a friend
