
用疑问词 what,who,when,why,where,how,how much 填空 1. —________color is your mother"s fa
    —Blue and white.
2. —________ plays the guitar every ex
    —Yang Wei does.
3. — ________is Lily"s hat?
    —Look! It"s over there, on the dresser.
4. — ________does your father go to w
    —At 7:30 in the morning.
5. — ________don"t you play tennis with me?
    —Because I don"t have a tennis racket
6. — ________are these shoes?
    —Thirty-five yuan.
7. —________is your father, John?
    —He is fine. Thank you.
8. — ________day is it today?
    —It"s Thursday.
9. —________do you spell it?
    —C-O-L-O-R, color.
10. — ________grade are you in?
      —I"m in Grade 7.
