
根据汉语意思用英语完成句子, 将答案写在横线上。 1. 他在实验室里有两只叫吉米和里奇的小老鼠.
He has two _____ _____ Jimmy and Lichy in the lab.
2. 你知道"熟能生巧"这个谚语吗?
Do you know the proverb of "_____ makes _____ "?
3. 我不认识这个人,以前也没有听说过他的事.
I don"t know him and I haven"t _____ _____ him before,_____ .
4. 如果她把你房间弄脏了别厌烦.她只有三岁.
Don"t _____ _____  if she makes your room _____. She is only three.
5. 我的父母靠在市场上买菜谋生.
My parents _____ _____ _____ by selling vegetables in the market.
6. 我现在很忙,请别总是老跟着我.
I"m very busy now. Please don"t follow me around _____ _____ _____.
7. 每个办公室里都有一个标签,"禁止吸烟".
There is a sign in each of the offices-" _____ _____".
_____ _____ _____ put on your coat? It"s snowing _____.
9. 电影那么无聊,以至于我中途就睡着了.
The movie was so boring that I _____ _____ half way through it.
