
完成句子完成句子。 1. 当老师叫他的时候,他非常紧张,因为他不会回答这个问题.
He was _________ _________ when the teacher called his name, because he didn"t the answer to the question. 2. 他的生活方式和你的相同还是不同?
Is his life style_________ _________ _________ _________ or different?
3. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最普遍的交通方式.
In China, bikes and buses are the________ ________ ________ ________ transportation.
4. 去年夏天,我们去参观了长城.我们在长城上照相很是有趣.
Last summer, we went to visit the Great Wall. We had great fun _________ _________ on it.
5. 你觉得这本书怎样?我觉得很一般.
_________ _________ you_________ _________ this book? It"s just so-so
6. 你不介意我把窗户打开肥?当然不介意.
_________ you_________ _________ _________ the window? Certainly not.
