
阅读理解。      This is a picture of my bedroom. It"s a nice room. A football is behind the door. My desk is near the
window. You can see a chair behind the desk. You can see some books and flowers on it. My English
books are in my backpack. The bag is behind the chair. 1. It"s a picture of _____. A. my family
B. my bedroom
C. my school 2. My football is _____. A. behind the door
B. near the door
C. behind the desk 3. The desk is _____. A. on the bed
B. behind the chair
C. near the window 4. We can see some _____ on the desk. A. English books
B. books and flowers
C. schoolbags 5. The English books are _____. A. on my desk
B. on the floor
C. in my backpack
