
用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. He is an_________(athlete), so he is_________ ( athlete).
2. If you get up late, you_________(not catch) the early bus.
3. It_________(seem) like years since I saw you last time.
4.Will you go to the Beihai Park if it_________ (rain) tomorrow?
5. If he doesn"t bring the gift, I will not let_________ (he) in.
6. lf you take more exercise, you will be_________ ( health).
7. The old man makes a living by_________(collect) waste paper.
8._________ (become)  an athlete might seem like a dream job.
9. He was badly ill last week, but now he"s out of_________ ( dangerous).
10. -Jim,  your book,  thank you!
      -Oh, I forgot_________(lend) you the book.
