
听长对话或文,选择问题正确答案。 1. How did the speaker feel after his first English test? A. Excited.
B. Pleased.
C. Sad. 2. What do we know about the speaker? A. He will soon graduate from the middle school.
B. He doesn"t like English after the test.
C. His mother is his English teacher. 3. Who is not the same as most teenagers? A. Mary.
B. Lisa.
C. Samuel. 4. Who talks about the people who are less lucky? A. Amy.
B. Ken.
C. Mary. 5. What does Ken like doing? A. Going out with his parents.
B. Reading.
C. Watching actors who can sing. 6. In the conversation, how many people talk about music? A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Five. 7. What did Peter want to do on Sunday? A. He wanted to play football with his friends.
B. He wanted to do his homework.
C. He wanted to play basketball with his friends. 8. How was the weather on Sunday? A. It was snowy.
B. It was rainy.
C. It was sunny. 9. When did Peter finish those exercises? A. By breakfast time.
B. By lunchtime.
C. By supper time.
