
Listen and choose the right answer. (听短文,选择正确的答案。短文读两遍。) 1. When did Mr. Wang travel to Beijing? A. Last week.
B. Last month.
C. Next month. 2. How did he travel to Beijing? A. By bus.
B. By plane.
C. By train. 3. How long was he in Beijing? A. Half a week.
B. A week.
C. One week and a half. 4. Who did he see on the Great Wall? A. His parents.
B. Many foreigners.
C. Many friends. 5. What"s the Chinese meaning of the old Chinese saying"He who has never been to the Great Wall
    is not a true man."? A. 不到长城非好汉.
B. 他从来没有去过长城.
C. 他是一个真正没有去过长城的人.
