
关材料和5个小题。听完说明后,你有25秒钟的时间来选择有关选项。说明连续读两遍。 1. Which country does Tommy come from? A. China
B. Canada
C. France 2. What language can Jacky speak? A. English, French, Chinese
B. English, French, Japanese
C. English, French, Russian 3. What does Jacky look like? A. He is of medium build and has long blonde hair.
B. He is of medium build and has long curly hair.
C. He is of medium build and has short blonde hair. 4. What language can Jacky speak but Tommy can"t? A. English
B. Japanese
C. Chinese 5. Whose (谁的) hair is long? A. Jacky"s.
B. Tommy"s.
C. We don"t know.
