
短文理解。听下面一则短文,从每小题A、B、C 三个选项中,找出相应问题的最佳答案。
短文读两遍。 1. Where will they go?  A. China.
B. A park.
C. A town. 2. How long will it take them to go there?

A. Three hours.
B. More than four hours.
C. Less than four hours.

3. What will they have for lunch? A. bread and water
B. apples
C. both A and B 4. What"s the speaker"s mobile phone number? A. 13726156656
B. 13926158856
C. 13726158856 5. What can they do after lunch? A. Go shopping.
B. Go camping.
C. Go boating.
