
完形填空。       I shall never forget the day when the earthquake took place. The time was 5:15 in the afternoon
and I was driving along the road to _ 1   my daughter from school. Our plan was to go    2   together.
I had finished work at about 4 o"clock and then     3  to the post office. Then I stopped     4   at a shop
in order to get some     5   fruit. We like to have some fruit to eat after our swim.
      I was driving along a high road on my way to the school. Over my road was another way for cars
coming the other way. I was     6   so I put the bag of apples in the seat     7   me and started to eat one.
      Suddenly I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side. I slowed down. Then     8  
started to shake. I didn"t know what was happening.     9   something had gone wrong with my car. I
drove    10   slower. I stopped the car and at the same moment the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
     I found myself in the dark. I couldn"t move. The bottom parts of both my legs and my    11  were
hurting badly and I couldn"t move them. All around me was    12   . But below me I could hear shouts
and a lot of noise. Then I    13   what had happened. I had been in an earthquake.
     For about two hours nobody came. Luckily I could     14  the bag of apples, so at least I had plenty
to eat. Then I    15  people climbing towards me. A team of people had come to see if anyone was under
the broken     16  . I called out " I"m here!" I heard a shout, soon    17   climbed to the side of the bridge
near my car, "How are you doing?" he asked.
     "Not too bad," I said, " but my feet and legs     18  as if they"re broken."
      "We"ll have you out of there just as     19   as we can," he said. They didn"t get me out    20   the next
morning. I had been in my car for 14 hours. (     )1. A. take    
(     )2. A. swimming  
(     )3. A. arrived
(     )4. A. off  
(     )5. A. dried  
(     )6. A. happy  
(     )7. A. before  
(     )8. A. my car  
(     )9. A. Perhaps
(     )10. A. much  
(     )11. A. feet  
(     )12. A. dark  
(     )13. A. was told
(     )14. A. see  
(     )15. A. heard  
(     )16. A. railway
(     )17. A. a stranger
(     )18. A. feel  
(     )19. A. fast  
(     )20. A. on   B. bring
B. shopping
B. came
B. away
B. fresh
B. excited
B .below
B. my hands
B. Surely
B. more
B. arms
B. quiet
B. found out
B. hold
B. saw
B. road
B. a friend
B. look
B. easy
B. to   C. get
C. climbing
C. got
C. over
C. expensive
C. surprised
C. beside
C. my feet
C. Suddenly
C. even
C. hands
C. cold
C. discovered
C. catch
C. found
C. car
C. my daughter
C. seem
C. soon
C. until D. send        
D. skating    
D. gone        
D. here        
D. hard        
D. hungry      
D. behi nd    
D. the road    
D. Quickly    
D. a little    
D. fingers    
D. noisy      
D. remembered  
D. reach      
D. recognized  
D. trees      
D. a driver    
D. appear      
D. possible    
D. after      
