
     I graduated from a small public school in Mi chigan. One day, Mr. Ledy, our football coach, asked me to play football. I couldn"t help__ 1__: me, play football? I was six feet tall and was not much__ 2__a hundred pounds in weight. I thought that they might just need__ 3__fool to increase the number of the players.
However, he was persistent(坚持的) and__ 4__I joined the football team. That__ 5__to be one of my best decisions as a kid.
     Our worst game__ 6__was the one against Crystal Falls. They beat us 56 to 6. Yeah! That was a football not a basketball__ 7__. We played them again when we were seniors. They__ 8__us again but the score
was much more__ 9__, 30 to 20.
     Coach Ledy would not let that __ 10__again. He encouraged us to beat them, to pay them back. And
we did so in the last game we played before__ 11__. I had scored 6 points alone in the game. Coach Ledy praised me. It was a huge__ 12__for me.
     Was I a football hero?  Ha! Ha! No, I couldn"t__ 13__it without our team. The thing I learned through
football was__ 14__. We won as a team and we__ 15__as a team.
     I think Mr. Ledy would be__ 16__of me if he knew that I had broken the athletic__ 17__at the University of Michigan. I"m__ 18__to him as I would not have today’s honor without him. I"ll __ 19__life"s final war with pain to win the victory; I"ll seek the lights of glory wholeheartedly and I"ll__ 20__working hard so as not to
let him down.

(     )1. A. shouting 
(     )2. A. up  
(     )3. A. another  
(     )4. A. immediately
(     )5. A. took out  
(     )6. A. never  
(     )7. A. game  
(     )8. A. won  
(     )9. A. accessible
(     )10. A. happen  
(     )11. A. liberation
(     )12. A. honor  
(     )13. A. take  
(     )14. A. courage  
(     )15. A. united  
(     )16. A. proud  
(     )17. A. time  
(     )18. A. pleased  
(     )19. A. fight  
(     )20. A. take on 


B. screaming
B. over      
B. other    
B. secretly  
B. turned out
B. once      
B. team      
B. met      
B. comfortabl
B. succeed  
B. closing  
B. hope      
B. manage    
B. devotion  
B. appeared  
B. fond      
B. record    
B. grateful  
B. join      
B. put on    


C. laughing  
C. more  
C. some  
C. personally  
C. gave off  
C. ever  
C. story  
C. beat        
C. sensitive  
C. spread  
C. graduation  
C. success  
C. solve  
C. teamwork  
C. prepared  
C. full  
C. date  
C. hopeful  
C. desire  
C. rely on  

D. applauding  
D. out        
D. any        
D. finally    
D. gave out    
D. again      
D. score      
D. fought      
D. acceptable  
D. develop    
D. school      
D. surprise    
D. explain    
D. contribution
D. lost        
D. kind        
D. ability    
D. loyal      
D. enjoy      
D. keep on    
