
完型填空。      I am used to taking a bus home, but last night it was    1   and I decided to ride in a taxi. I stood on the
side-walk    2   to each car that passed. I    3   each one to    4  , but none would. Then I    5   that it was the time of day when one group of taxi drivers stopped and another began work. I began to wish that I hadn"t had the idea of taking a    6  . I was all wet. I    7   my hat to pour    8   the water that had collected in the
brim (帽边).
     At that moment, a taxi stopped in front of me and the driver said something that I didn"t    9  . I quickly
jumped in and sat down. "Where do you want to go ?" he asked me. I gave him my    10  . "That"s uptown (向住宅区), sir," he said. "I"m    11   duty now. I was just to    12   you up if you were going my    13  .
  14   this time it was raining harder. Cars were stopped    15   the taxi. Their knocking horns (喇叭) were beginning to    16   that we move. I    17   I had known what to do! I felt like insisting that the taxi driver 
  18   me home. But at the same time, I knew that I    19   have gotten into the taxi without understanding
what the driver had said to me. Two more blasts (鸣笛) from somebody"s horn made the driver demand
that I make up my mind. I got out,    20   I didn"t want to. (     )1. A. late      
(     )2. A. signing  
(     )3. A. hoped    
(     )4. A. pass      
(     )5. A. remembered
(     )6. A. walk      
(     )7. A. put on    
(     )8. A. off      
(     )9. A. understand
(     )10. A. place    
(     )11. A. from    
(     )12. A. take    
(     )13. A. direction
(     )14. A. By      
(     )15. A. at      
(     )16. A. order    
(     )17. A. wished  
(     )18. A. get      
(     )19. A. mustn"t
(     )20. A. as if     B. dark      
B. showing    
B. thought    
B. pause      
B. forgot    
B. car        
B. took off  
B. out        
B. notice    
B. house      
B. off        
B. bring      
B. road      
B. On        
B. in front of
B. demand    
B. hoped      
B. send      
B. couldn"t
B. although   C. raining  
C. shaking  
C. considered
C. stop      
C. imagined  
C. bus      
C. put away  
C. away      
C. hear      
C. home      
C. to        
C. pick      
C. path      
C. During    
C. behind    
C. suggest  
C. hated    
C. take      
C. shouldn"t
C. so         D. snowing    
D. nodding    
D. expected  
D. stand      
D. thought    
D. taxi      
D. picked up  
D. into      
D. listen    
D. address    
D. on        
D. keep      
D. way        
D. In        
D. beside    
D. encourage  
D. regretted  
D. fetch      
D. mightn"t
D. and        
