
完形填空。      My 8-year-old son, Kevin, has made friends with some boys in the neighborhood. He has been   1  with them after school. My wife,Qugen, and I are _ 2_ he has other kids to be with and we have _3_ and encouraged him to play with his friends. We also want Kevin to learn _ 4_,so we have asked him to tell us   5 _  he"s going and to come home at a specified time.
     The     6   started when Kevin didn"t come home on time. On one occasion,I asked Kevin to be back at 6 pm. By 6:30,I needed to go     7   him. I found him at a friend"s house,and he looked _ 8_ that he couldn"t continue playing. After we came home,I sat Kevin down for a talk about the   9  of keeping his word. I told him I was not worried about him arriving a few _ 10_ late,but after half an hour,I"m going to be   11  . He told me he understood.
     The next day,I came home from work at about 6:30 p.m. and Qugen asked me to go and get Kevin  _ 12_ she said he should be bac k home at 6. I walked to his friend"s house and a look of _13_ appeared on Kevin"s face when he came to the door.
     At    14  ,Qugen and I spoke to Kevin about why he didn"t come home on time again. He said he just wanted to _ 15_ playing. This was    16   ,so Qugen and I decided to ground (罚不准出门) him for a week. This    17   no playing with his friends.
     For the next week,whenever his friends came to ask for Kevin,we let him _18_ to them that he was grounded. We felt this would help him be responsible for his   19  .
     As a   20  , I believe one of the most important things we can teach our kids is self-responsibility and that actions have consequences.
(     )1. A. studying    
(     )2. A. glad        
(     )3. A. made        
(     )4. A. amusements  
(     )5. A. when        
(     )6. A. changes    
(     )7. A. looking for
(     )8. A. angry      
(     )9. A. quality    
(     )10. A. hours      
(     )11. A. satisfied  
(     )12. A. if        
(     )13. A. guilt      
(     )14. A. home      
(     )15. A. finish    
(     )16. A. impossible
(     )17. A. meant      
(     )18. A. reply      
(     )19. A. decisions  
(     )20. A. teacher    
B. playing        
B. lucky          
B. allowed        
B. communication  
B. why            
B. conflicts      
B. picking up    
B. nervous        
B. importance    
B. minutes        
B. shocked        
B. unless        
B. disappointment
B. school        
B. keep          
B. impolite      
B. suggested      
B. apologize      
B. words          
B. parent        
C. chatting      
C. worried      
C. trained      
C. honesty      
C. where        
C. worries      
C. waiting for  
C. disappointed  
C. stories      
C. days          
C. surprised    
C. because      
C. excitement    
C. work          
C. learn        
C. unacceptable  
C. showed        
C. tell          
C. actions      
C. writer        
D. quarreling            
D. sure                  
D. forced                
D. responsibility        
D. whenever              
D. problems              
D. calling up            
D. ashamed              
D. ways                  
D. times                
D. concerned            
D. so                    
D. hatred                
D. office                
D. stop                  
D. unbelievable          
D. implied              
D. explain              
D. friends              
D. professor                                
