
填空题。 Peter Judd joined the army    1  he was eighteen, and for several months he      2  (teach) how to be a
good soldier. He did quite well in everything    3  shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing    4   (shoot), all of _5_were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target nine times
and had not hit it once, the officer   6   was trying to teach the young soldier s to shoot said, "You"re
quite    7   (hope). Peter! Don"t waste your last bullet too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with it!"
     Peter felt ashamed. He went behind the wall, and a few seconds later the officer and the    8   young
soldiers heard the sound of a shot.
     "Heavens!" the officer said, "Has that silly man really shot   9  ?" He ran behind the wall   10   (anxious), but Peter was all right. "I"m sorry, sir." he said, "but I missed again."
