

     I was talking with a friend recently who took a voluntarylay-off to go to a new position at a
start-up company. When the__1__executive at the new company went to his boss to makethe
hire, however, he was told he couldn"t__2__my friendon full-time. By then his old position had
already beenreassigned, and if he were hired back, it would__3__severalother people would lose
their jobs. In a matter of a day, hewent from a__4__, orderly transition into a new job to being
without a job__5__the sole provider for the family.    
      At some point, everyone faces challenging__6__wherewhat we thought would develop or
happen doesn"t. Somepeople fall apart. Others__7__ the curves(曲线)thrown theirway seamlessly
(天衣无缝的), functioning as if__8__out ofthe ordinary has happened.    
     Dealing with these moments productively, as my friendappears__9__, depends on quickly
figuring out your newreality and stepping through a process allowing you to focusand complete
     Define (or redefine)what you"re trying to accomplish. Figure outif your__11__goal is still
effective or needs to change to reflect thenew situation you"re__12__ . Once you"ve decided,
make sure yourteam knows what the goallooks like__13__.      
     Identify critical priorities that can"t be compromised. Somethings__14__be more important
than others. Maybe it"s atimeline that __15__can"t be moved; at the same time, somedeliverables
you expected to accomplish by the__17__may nowhave to be thrown from your plan. Make
these__16__right away.  
     Figure out what fundamentals still hold.__18__ yoursituation has changed, it"s likely some things
you"ve come todepend on are__19__. Make a quick check of what you doknow and can depend
on in your now__20__situation.

(     )1.A. firing        
(     )2.A. take          
(     )3.A. prove         
(     )4.A. planned       
(     )5.A. for           
(     )6.A. surroundings  
(     )7.A. work with     
(     )8.A. nothing       
(     )9.A. to do         
(     )10.A. quickly       
(     )11.A. common        
(     )12.A. passing       
(     )13.A. right now     
(     )14.A. can           
(     )15.A. basically     
(     )16.A. deadline      
(     )17.A. solution      
(     )18.A. Since         
(     )19.A. changed       
(     )20.A. unfamiliar   B. hiring           
B. put              
B. guarantee        
B. educated         
B. as              
B. cases            
B. follow by        
B. something       
B. to happen        
B. slowly          
B. original        
B. meeting            
B. just right      
B. will            
B. absolutely        
B. timeline        
B. determinations   
B. Unless            
B. checked          
B. unlucky        C. teaching         
C. lift           
C. mean          
C. abandoned          
C. like          
C. places           
C. deal with       
C. anything        
C. to be doing    
C. successfully    
C. final             
C. solving       
C. shortly after   
C. may             
C. probably        
C. pathline         
C. j udgement      
C. Because           
C. unchanged    
C. uncommon      

D. searching             
D. bring                   
D. tell                  
D. handled           
D. of                   
D. situations             
D. fit in             
D. everything             
D. to be happening     
D. possibly             
D. ahead                 
D. facing                
D. before long         
D. shall                
D. partly                 
D. roadline           
D. Question              
D. Although               
D. settled            
D. unusual        
