
完形填空。      There were two screws (螺丝钉) in an engine. One was proud of its    1   head. The second screw
was    2  , only doing its job to the best of its ability.
One day the second screw was a little rusted(生锈). Filled with    3  , the first screw said to the second,
"How    4    you have become!" Then it began to laugh so hard that it    5    to notice that it was working
itself loose. Finally it dropped off the    6  and fell into the dirty oil below.
Now, the second was faced with doing the    7  of two. Meanwhile the first screw cried, "Just look at me ! I"m dirty and all my    8    is gone."
      A short time later the owner of the engine    9   it up. He immediately noticed something didn"t sound
right . When he   10 , he immediately saw one screw was missing. "Ah ha!" the owner said, "it must have
worked itself loose and fell onto the oil."
      He    11   into the oil and found the missing screw. "Look at you," the owner said. "you"re all   12 with
oil. How ugly you are! But I"ll    13    that right away." He reached for a rag and  14 all the oil and dirt off
until it shone even brighter than before. Then he    15   it on the part. Before he turned away, he noticed the
second screw was a little rusted. With the    16  , he wiped the head clean and bright. Then he walked
      Finally the engine was started. The two screws, now    17  beautiful, held the part tight. "  18   me , my
friend ," the first screw said, "I was so busy   19   you that I didn"t notice that I was working myself loose. I
shall no longer    20  others."
(     )1. A. big        
(     )2. A. shy        
(     )3. A. pride      
(     )4. A. small      
(     )5. A. prepared    
(     )6. A. ground      
(     )7. A. work        
(     )8. A. wealth      
(     )9. A. finished    
(     )10. A. drove      
(     )11. A. walked    
(     )12. A. covered    
(     )13. A. create    
(     )14. A. knocked    
(     )15. A. took      
(     )16. A. key        
(     )17. A. probably  
(     )18. A. Help      
(     )19. A. waiting for
(     )20. A. judge      
B. cool        
B. quiet        
B. pleassure    
B. weak        
B. refused      
B. engine      
B. lesson      
B. beauty      
B. put          
B. returned    
B. reached      
B. filled      
B. move        
B. turned      
B. put          
B. oil          
B. nearly      
B. Excuse      
B. listening to
B. invite      
C. nodding    
C. happy      
C. interest    
C. ugly        
C. happened    
C. seat        
C. problem    
C. voice      
C. started    
C. repaired    
C. jumped      
C. connected  
C. fix        
C. blew        
C. planted    
C. rag        
C. different  
C. Save        
C. laughing at
C. treat      
D. shining        
D. brave          
D. hope            
D. selfish        
D. failed          
D. wall            
D. travel          
D. dream          
D. broke          
D. checked        
D. looked          
D. compared        
D. carry          
D. wiped          
D. sent            
D. tool            
D. equally        
D. Accept          
D. speaking to    
D. expect          
