
完形填空。      When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I
remember one night in particular   1  she had made breakfast after a long ,   2  day at work.
     On that   3  so long ago ,my mom    4  a plate of eggs ,sausage and extremely   5   biscuits front of my
dad .I remember    6  to see if anyone noticed! Yet all my dad did was    7   for his biscuit ,smile at my mom
and ask me how my day was at school…I don"t   8  what I told him that night ,but I do remember watching
him   9  biscuits happily!
     When I got up from the table that evening ,I remember hearing my mom    10  to my dad for burning the
biscuits." And I"ll never   11  what he said :"Honey ,I love burned biscuits."
     Later that night ,I went to kiss Daddy    12  night and I asked him if he    13  liked his biscuits burned.
He wrapped me in his arms and said, "Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she"s really 
  14  . And besides, a burned biscuit never    15   anyone!"
     Life is full of imperfect things …and imperfect people. I"m not the    16   at hardly anything, but what
I"ve    17  over the years is that learning to accept each other"s faults, which is one of the most important
keys to    18  a healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.
    We could extend this to any relationship. In fact,    19  is the base of any relationship, be it a
husband-wife or parent-child or friendship!
     God Bless You … Now, and always…
(     )1. A. while          
(     )2. A. interesting    
(     )3. A. noon          
(     )4. A. treated        
(     )5. A. fresh          
(     )6. A. planning      
(     )7. A. reach          
(     )8. A. remember      
(     )9. A. preparing      
(     )10. A. suggest      
(     )11. A. punish        
(     )12. A. good          
(     )13. A. really        
(     )14. A. kind          
(     )15. A. replace      
(     )16. A. richest      
(     )17. A. held          
(     )18. A. settling      
(     )19. A. understanding
(     )20. A. express      
B. when      
B. hard      
B. afternoon  
B. planned    
B. sweet      
B. operating  
B. look      
B. observe    
B. eating    
B. explain    
B. receive    
B. golden    
B. gently    
B. tired      
B. roast      
B. cleverest  
B. shared    
B. creating  
B. confidence
B. transform  
C. where      
C. full        
C. evening    
C. placed      
C. delicious  
C. puzzling    
C. leave      
C. perform    
C. counting    
C. apologize  
C. realize    
C. cool        
C. normally    
C. happy      
C. hurt        
C. worst      
C. considered  
C. rolling    
C. help        
C. pass       
D. why        
D. fruitful  
D. morning    
D. launched  
D. burned    
D. waiting    
D. fight      
D. overlook  
D. mailing    
D. announce  
D. forget    
D. nice      
D. regularly  
D. excited    
D. recover    
D. best      
D. learned    
D. skipping  
D. relief    
D. wander    
