
阅读理解。      After a year in America, I have learned some interesting American expressions. Many people believe
that money makes the world go around. I do not agree with the idea. But I do admit that money can make people do strange things. Let me tell you about a person I once knew who liked to gamble (赌博).
     My friend Bob had a problem because he liked to gamble at all costs. He would play at any time and
at any price. Sometimes my friend would clean up. He would win a lot of money on one card game.
Other times my friend would simply break even. He neither won nor lost money. But sometimes Bob
would lose his shirt. When this happened, my friend would have to go into debt and owe people money.
     Recently, Bob turned to crime after losing all his money. In his job, he kept the books for a small
business. He supervised (监管) the records of money earned and spent by the company. Although my
friend was usually honest, he decided to cook the books. He illegally changed the financial records of the
company. This permitted him to make a fast buck - he made some quick, easy money dishonestly.
     Bob used the money he stole from his company to gamble again. Quickly he was back on his feet,
returning to good financial health. His company, however, ended up in the red, owing lots of money.
     It did not take long before his dishonesty was discovered. The company investigated and charged him with stealing. He ended up in jail. Today, I would bet my bottom dollar that my friend will never gamble
again. I would bet all I have that he learned his lesson from gambling. 1. When a person will "lose his shirt" (para. 2) in gambling, we mean that ________. A. he will win all the money to the gambling table
B. he will neither win nor lose money
C. he decides to give up gambling
D. he will lose all his money 2. If a company doesn"t run well, it will ________. A. be back on its feet
B. end up in the red
C. make a fast buck
D. break even 3. What job does Bob do? A. A salesman.
B. A typist.
C. An accountant.
D. A secretary. 4. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To talk about the danger of gambling.
B. To explain some American expressions related to money.
C. To prove that money can make people do strange things.
D. To explain the writer"s attitude towards money.
