
完形填空。      An interesting experience of my life
     I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was an interesting experience of my life.
     My friends told us that taking the"hard    1   " to Beijing would be really terrible. So we didn"t know what to 
  2   . But we were pleasantly surprised when we finally boarded the    3   ,which was relatively modern and    4  .
During the 14-hour ride we ate peanuts and talked. It was not    5   at all.
     It was morning when we arrived. We stepped out of the railway station, having sat in hard seats and not
getting much    6   . However, we had energy. First we tried to get return tickets to shanghai, but the tickets
seller    7   us that tickets would not be on    8   for another two days. We were a little worried about getting    9   , but we made up our minds to    10   for the hotel to put our bags down. After fighting our way    11   the
"gypsy" taxi drivers that tried to    12   us one hundred yuan for the ride, we found a taxi and it   13  cost us
thirty yuan to get   14   we had planned to go. When we reached the hotel, there was a window for airplane and
train tickets.    15   the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we   16  . The most important
lesson about China I ever    17   , is to get someone to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much
   18 . We were not able to get tickets, but the    19   agents (代理人) could.
     While in Beijing we saw a lot of places of interest, most of which were very    20   . It was fun to be with
thousands of people in one place. There aren"t any words to describe it.
(     )1. A. chair      
(     )2. A. provide    
(     )3. A. plane      
(     )4. A. quick      
(     )5. A. bad         
(     )6. A. trouble    
(     )7. A. promised    
(     )8. A. time        
(     )9. A. behind      
(     )10. A. start      
(     )11. A. toward    
(     )12. A. offer      
(     )13. A. even      
(     )14. A. what      
(     )15. A. Somehow    
(     )16. A. wouldn’t  
(     )17. A. learned    
(     )18. A. harder    
(     )19. A. business  
(     )20. A. interesting 
B. bed      
B. expect  
B. bus      
B. clean    
B. good    
B. food    
B. informed 
B. show    
B. out                   
B. ask      
B. into    
B. charge  
B. still    
B. which    
B. However  
B. couldn’t 
B. taught  
B. earlier  
B. transport 
B. crowded  
C. seat     
C. happen   
C. ship     
C. simple   
C. easy     
C. sleep     
C. advised   
C. duty     
C. through   
C. look                  
C. across   
C. bargain   
C. also     
C. where     
C. Therefore 
C. shouldn’t
C. offered   
C. later     
C. travel   
C. famous   
D. bench      
D. think      
D. train      
D. long       
D. hard       
D. help       
D. persuaded  
D. sale       
D. back       
D. pay        
D. past                      
D. share      
D. only       
D. how        
D. Otherwise  
D. needn’t   
D. heard      
D. easier   
D. hotel      
D. noisy    
