
完形填空。      During my second year of college, I was looking around for a place to live. One Sunday after church, the
pastor (牧师) told me to stay in his daughter"s room because his daughter was studying abroad for one year.
     To be    1   , I really didn"t want to stay with"the pastor"s family". He told me how much the    2   would
be-a very low figure that    3   one home-cooked meal a day. I thought about the    4   and decided to move in.
     At the end of the term I had planned to find    5   living place, since the daughter was to    6   home. To my
delight, they    7   that I share a room with their son. I seemed to have been adopted into their    8   -their people
became my people. I    9   accepted the offer.
      As I emptied the daughter"s bedroom, I thought it might be    10   to have a little sister to look after. But
when I later met my new sister, I    11   that she was more independent than I first    12   .
     We finally fell in love,   13  , and have looked after each other for many years. There have been times that
life turned out more   14  than either of us could have known. But we have al- ways been able to go    15   
largely because we knew that we are deeply   16 .
     It isn"t about marriage-lt"s about    17   . It"s about mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and special
friends who are as    18   as family. It"s about anybody who can say, "I"ll be    19   - you can count on me. I"ll
try to look after you and sometimes I will need you to look after me.
     Is there somebody you can depend on? And are others count ing on you? We travel the path of life best
when there is    20   to look after, and when someone is looking after us.
(      )1. A. honest     
(      )2. A. price      
(      )3. A. had        
(      )4. A. idea       
(      )5. A. same       
(      )6. A. return      
(      )7. A. ordered    
(      )8. A. house      
(      )9. A. happily    
(      )10. A. bad        
(      )11. A. realized  
(      )12. A. saw       
(      )13. A. separated 
(      )14. A. smooth    
(      )15. A. backward  
(      )16. A. hated     
(      )17. A. friendship
(      )18. A. close      
(      )19. A. away      
(      )20. A. nobody    
B. surprised  
B. rent       
B. included   
B. plan       
B. different  
B. go         
B. agreed     
B. family     
B. sorrowfully  
B. exciting    
B. thought     
B. told        
B. parted      
B. challenging 
B. eastward    
B. cared       
B. relation    
B. good      
B. out       
B. somebody  
C. friendly    
C. money     
C. made        
C. service    
C. another     
C. get       
C. arranged   
C. group      
C. evidently   
C. nice       
C. knew        
C. imagined    
C. left     
C. exciting    
C. forward    
C. felt         
C. love     
C. far          
C. in       
C. anybody   
D. pleased          
D. pay             
D. contained           
D. offer            
D. extra             
D. leave             
D. suggested          
D. friend          
D. efficiently        
D. strange           
D. doubted           
D. believed                
D. married      
D. different          
D. westward           
D. liked                 
D. family    
D. long                     
D. around      
D. everybody       
