
阅读理解。      When a person passes through the customs (海关) between two countries, he would be questioned by a
customs inspector (检查员). If a person brings in goods of great value, the inspector may ask him to pay
taxes on them. Some people try to hide the valuables they have with them so that they will not have to pay
these taxes. But customs inspectors are hard to fool.
     Inspector Joseph Koehler has worked for the US Customs Service for years. One day a group of
passengers arrived on a flight from Belgium.
     Koehler took special notice of one of the women among them. At first he did not know what made him
pick her out of them ― the woman"s baggage was made of a purse and two suitcases. She showed no sign
of fear when Koehler opened them. Yet Koehler could not rid himself of the feeling that something was wrong.
     Suddenly he knew what it was. The woman was too tall. This woman"s height didn"t seem right somehow.
Then it was found that the bottom parts of her shoes were filled with something.
     The inspector opened them. A handful of diamonds fell out on the floor. More jewels were found under a
false bottom in one of her suitcases. Their total weight was 3,387 carats. It was one of the largest diamond
hauls (缴获) ever made by the US Customs. 1. From the passage, we can know that Joseph Koehler _____. A. only asked the women passengers to pay taxes on the valuable goods
B. had worked for almost one year in the US customs
C. opened every passengers" package when they passed the customs
D. found a false bottom in one of the woman"s suitcases 2. The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 4 refers to"_____". A. the tax the woman should pay
B. the reason to pick the woman out
C. the woman"s baggage
D. the inspector"s duty 3. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____. A. the woman was fond of making jokes
B. the jewels were of high quality
C. Koehler made great contributions to US Customs
D. US Customs are in great need of inspectors like Koehler 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? A. Koehler was attracted by the woman"s beauty.
B. The woman made some changes to her baggage.
C. The job of a customs inspector is dangerous.
D. The jewels were damaged by the US Customs.
