
阅读理解。     The Museum of Childhood is Australia"s most comprehensive collection of childhood items including
toys , dolls , infant and school material .
   Housed in a modern facility , the displays reflect Australian childhood experience over time including
play , child rearing , orphanage childhood , and home , school , and war time experience .
   There are many hands -on exhibits and education sessions including the famous "lesson" in the 1920s
One Teacher Bush Classroom .
   The Museum also hosts nationa l touring exhibitions and conducts special activities on Sundays and
school holidays(ring for details ).
Open: Tuesday- Friday 10am - 4pm , Sunday 10am - 4:30 pm , or by arrangement .
Special activities on Sundays as advertise .
Closed: Public holidays ,16 December-18 January .
Location: Edith Cowan University campus , Bay Road , Claremont (take bus 208 and alight at the Bay
Road and Princess Road intersection . The Museum is 15 minutes" walk from Claremont train station )
Tel :(08) 9442 1373 ; Fax ; (08 ) 9442 1314 1.On         you can stay at the Museum until half past four . A.Wednesday
D.Monday   2.If you want to attend a special activity , you"d better come on            . A.Monday
D.Sunday 3.When you come on December 20th , Friday ,you will find the Museum           .

B.holding special activities
C.not closed until 4:00
D.not closed until 4:30

4.The main purpose of the Museum of Childhood is to             . A.display toys , dolls , infant and school material
B.reflect Australian childhood experience over time
C.host national touring exhibition      
D.tell you the famous "lesson" in the 1920s
