
President Obama: I want to welcome Vice President Xi to the Oval Office and welcome him to the United States. This is obviously a great opportunity for us to build on the U. S,-China relationship, but also an opportunity to return the extraordinary hospitality (款待) that Vice President Xi showed Vice President Biden during his recent visit to China.
As I indicated during my recent visit to APEC and the East Asia Summit, the United States is a Pacific nation. And we are very interested and very concentrated on continuing to strengthen our relationships, to enhance our trade and our commerce, and make sure that we are a strong and effective partner with the Asia Pacific region. And obviously, in order to do that, it is absolutely vital that we have a strong relationship with China.
So, Mr. Vice President, I hope you have a wonderful visit while you"re here. I"m sure the American people welcome you. I"m glad that you"re going to get an opportunity to get out of Washington. I know you"ll be visiting Iowa, which you visited many years ago when you were governor. And I understand you"re also going to Los Angeles and maybe even taking in (观看) a Lakers basketball game. So I hope you enjoy that very much.
I want to extend my deepest welcome to you, and look forward to a future of improved dialogue and increased cooperation in the years to come.
小题1:Where can you most probably read the passage?
A.In an advertisement. B.In a guidebook. C.In a news report. D.In a science report.
小题2:Which sentence is true according to the passage?
A.Obama didn"t attend APEC or the East Asia Summit recently.
B.Biden and Xi Jinping are holding the talk in the Oval Office of the White House.
C.The talk is being held between China and the USA in the Oval Office of New York.
D.Biden once paid a visit to China before this talk.
小题3: The underlined word in Para. 2 “enhance”, probably means “____”.
A.develop B.change C.invent D.reduce
小题4:From Para. 3, we can learn that Vice President Xi ____.
A.will go to Los Angeles to watch a soccer game
B.visited Iowa many years ago, when he was a vice president
C.visited Iowa many years ago, when he was governor
D.will visit New York, Washington DC and Los Angeles
