
请听下面五段对话,选出最佳选项. 1.What does the man want the woman to bring him?

A. A paintbrush.  
B. A picture.  
C. A. hammer.

2.What did the woman do early this morning? A.She did some reading.
B.She did some cleaning.
C.She looked for a book. 3.What are the speakers talking about? A.The man"s job.  
B. The man"s spare time.  
C. The man"s family. 4.What happened to the man during the holiday? A.  His arm was broken.    
B. His leg was broken.    
C. His foot was hurt. 5.  What did the woman"s family plant when the food prices were high?  A. Flowers    
B. Wheat      
