
听力         听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 1. Why has the man"s father been off work for a couple of days?   A. Because he has a bad cold.
B. Because he was injured in an accident.
C. Not mentioned. 2. From the dialogue we learn that____. A. the woman is leaving New York
B. the woman will stay in New York
C. the man is leaving New York now 3. Where are the two people? A. In the cinema.    
B. At home.
C. At a school. 4. What did the woman do on Tuesday? A. She watched a play.
B. She acted in a new play.
C. She went to the gym. 5. What"s the woman going to do?

A. To take part in a concert.
B. To take part in a sports meet.
C. To an old friend"s home for dinner.
