
In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each
conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions
will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four
possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have
heard. 1. A. In a restaurant.
    B. In a park.
    C. In a concert hall.
    D. In a hospital. 2. A.$2.
    B. $4.
    C. $6.
    D. $8. 3. A. Scientist.
    B. Artist. 
    C. Surgeon. 
    D. Accountant. 4. A. Attending the party.
    B. Visiting some friends.
    C. Studying for an exam.
    D. Getting over illness. 5. A. The man didn"t go to the play.
    B. The woman had two tickets.
    C. The man saw the play.            
    D. The woman gave the ticket to the man. 6. A. A rent increase.
    B. A bargain.
    C. A salary cut.
    D. A vacation trip. 7. A. She was angry.
    B. She was worried.
    C. She was confident.
    D. She was bored. 8. A. Only one person can come.
    B. There have been few responses.
    C. Almost everyone can come.
    D. They"re waiting for Tina"s response. 9. A. Bob has been married for a long time.
    B. The woman shouldn"t go to California.
    C. He hasn"t been to California.
    D. The woman should go to wedding. 10. A. Because she is all wet.
      B. Because she is tired out.
      C. Because she walked a long distance.  
      D. Because she left something in the school.
