
试题 题型:未知 难度等级:

阅读理解 Locuslives in

     Locus  lives in Norway. He lives in the country. He doesn't like the country. He wants to live in the city.
     Locus  goes to Oslo. Oslo is a big city. He finds a nice apartment. He pays(支付) some  money for the apartment.
     Locus is hungry. So he goes to a restaurant to have lunch. After lunch, Locus wants to go back to his new
apartment. Where is his apartment building(建筑物) He can't remember(记得)! "My apartment building is big."
Locus thinks. He looks for a gray apartment. Many apartment buildings are gray!
     "My apartment building is on a busy street." Locus thinks. He looks for an apartment building on a busy street.
Many apartment buildings are on busy streets!
     Locus is lost.He can't find his apartment building! "What can I do" He has to ask the police for help. He finds
his apartment building at last(最后).
1. The underlined(被画线的) word "country" here means(意思是)__________ in Chinese
2. Locus can't remember the __________ his new apartment building.
3. Locus's new apartment building isn't on a __________street.
4. It's __________ for Locus to find his apartment building.
5. With the help of(在…帮助下) the __________, Locus finds his apartment building.
