
试题 题型:未知 难度等级:

配对阅读,请阅读以下左栏相关信息,然后与右栏的相匹配。并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在指定位置上。小题1: Try to b

小题1: Try to be happy.
Keep smiling.
小题2:Talk it out when you need help.
小题3:Learn English happily and easily.
小题4:Try to understand your parents.
小题5:Protect the animal
A.Our swimming club has the best swimming coach. (教练) You can swim like a fish.
B.Do you have a generation gap (代沟) with your parents.
They worry about too much because they love you. Try to understand them.
C.It’s hard for people to be happy every day. However, we should try our best to be happy. Smile more to each other.
D.Talk about your difficulty with anyone who can help you, when you are in trouble.
E. Jackie Chan is a famous action actor. His new movie SPEED will be put in the People’s cinema.
F. Many animals are in danger. They are our friends and please do something to protect them.
G. Is it English hard Just think it is easy and interesting. If you are interested in English, you can learn it happily and easily.
