
完形填空。      Ben and his wife Susan were on their way to have dinner with their friends. Ian and Betty. It was a
dark,    1   night, and they did not know the road very well. They    2   through Cookstown, until they found 
  3   they thought was the road to Dorling,    4   Ian and Betty livd    5   it soon became clear that they were
not on the road to    6   at all.The road that they were on was getting    7  , and there were not other    8   on
it. The wind was blowing    9   with every minute that passed.
     They came to a small   10 . They drove past a church, and then two houses without lights on. There was
nobody   11  to tell them where they were, or where the   12  went. Just then Ben saw a telephone-box fifty
metres or so further on. While he walked   13  along the road to see if there was a name outside the church,
Susan   14  Ian and Betty to tell that they were still   15 .
     Betty was just saying that the   16  was already rather dry, when Ben came back to the   17 , his head down 
 18  the wind. He said that there was a tree   19  across the road, and that the telephone lines were down. Susan
heard   20  more from Betty about the dinner.
(     )1. A. cloudy       
(     )2. A. rode         
(     )3. A. what         
(     )4. A. there        
(     )5. A. And          
(     )6. A. Cookstown    
(     )7. A. narrower     
(     )8. A. bikes        
(     )9. A. hard         
(     )10. A. house       
(     )11. A. through     
(     )12. A. road        
(     )13. A. forward     
(     )14. A. wrote       
(     )15. A. at home     
(     )16. A. dinner      
(     )17. A. telephone-box
(     )18. A.on           
(     )19. A.standing     
(     )20. A.something    
B. rainy         
B. drove         
B. that          
B. which         
B. But           
B. their own home 
B. wider         
B. cars          
B. heavily       
B. village       
B. about         
B. street        
B. ahead         
B. telephoned    
B. on their way  
B. weather       
B. church        
B. to            
B. lying         
B. a little      
C. windy        
C. walked       
C. which        
C. where        
C. So           
C. Dorling      
C. longer       
C. trains       
C. harder       
C. church       
C. across       
C. river        
C. around       
C. visited      
C. in Cookstown  
C. coat         
C. houses       
C. against      
C. laying       
C. much         
D. snowy         
D. ran           
D. when          
D. that          
D. Or            
D. a village     
D. farther       
D. carts         
D. more heavily  
D. telephone box          
D. underneath    
D. railway       
D. back          
D. explained     
D. in the church 
D. water         
D. village       
D. into          
D. growing       
D. nothing       
