
完形填空。      I lay there buried alive under our house when the bomb hit our city. The great    1   started by the bomb
came nearer and nearer to us as workers tried to    2   us. "Hurry!" they cried to one another as the flames
(火焰) came nearer. At last they reached us and    3   me and my mother out from under everything    4   the
flames reached us.
     Later, as I thought of the pilot of the plane that    5   the bomb on our city, I cried, "I hate him. I hate him."
The people with marked faces from the    6   of the bomb made me cry, "I hate him." I saw people suffering
a terrible,    7   death. Again and again I cried as I saw these people, "I hate him!"
     Some time later, that man appeared in a meeting I    8  . As I looked at him, I    9   him very much. Then I
listened to what he told us of his   10  the day when he dropped the bomb on our city. I heard him say, "When
I flew over the city   11  we dropped the bomb, I cried, "Oh, God, what have I   12  !"" I could see that he found
it   13  to speak of that day.
     As this happened I suddenly   14  my hatred of him was   15 . It only made me unhappy, too. As I did this,
it was as if a heavy load (负担)   16  my shoulders. Then I decided to   17  him. I did so and my life was   18 
     I now help those who suffer from   19  other people. I try to help them to   20  everyone, as I am now able
to do.
(     )1. A. sound         
(     )2. A. call          
(     )3. A. put           
(     )4. A. after         
(     )5. A. made          
(     )6. A. noise         
(     )7. A. slow          
(     )8. A. joined        
(     )9. A. hated         
(     )10. A. wish         
(     )11. A. when         
(     )12. A. got          
(     )13. A. difficult    
(     )14. A. imagined     
(     )15. A. right        
(     )16. A. took away    
(     )17. A. forgive (原谅)
(     )18. A. balanced     
(     )19. A. punishing    
(     )20. A. respect      
B. heat       
B. reach      
B. sent       
B. as         
B. dropped    
B. energy     
B. serious    
B. took       
B. feared     
B. suggestion 
B. after      
B. heard      
B. easy       
B. realized   
B. funny      
B. took off   
B. kill       
B. changed       
B. hurting    
B. love       
C. fire      
C. find      
C. pulled    
C. when      
C. attacked  
C. effect    
C. sad       
C. attended  
C. honored   
C. experience     
C. as        
C. done      
C. useless   
C. knew      
C. necessary 
C. fell off  
C. defeat    
C. continued 
C. disliking 
C. consider  
D. light    
D. help     
D. brought  
D. before   
D. set      
D. power    
D. hard     
D. gave     
D. believed                 
D. plan     
D. before   
D. seen     
D. proud    
D. thought  
D. wrong    
D. fell on  
D. accept   
D. ruined   
D. hating   
D. move     
