
阅读理解。      Ms. Keller often said," Without Annie Sullivan, the name of Helen Keller would have remained unknown."
     As a little girl, Sullivan was no stranger to hardship (困苦). She almost couldn"t see anything and was, at
one time, locked in a dark underground room of a mental institution (精神病院) because of mental problems.
Little Annie Sullivan would attack anyone who came near sometimes. However, an elderly nurse believed there
was hope and she offered to help the child. Every day she made all her efforts to give little Annie words of love
and encouragement.
     At last, doctors noticed a change in the girl. They ever saw an ger and hostility (敌意) in her eyes, while
now they noticed a little gentleness and love. They moved her upstairs where she continued to become better.
Then the day finally came when this seemingly "hopeless" child was released (释放).
     Annie Sullivan grew into a young woman with a wish to help others as she, herself, was helped by the kind
nurse. It was she who saw hope in Helen Keller. She loved her, played with her until the flickering candle
became a bright light to the world. Annie Sullivan brought wonders into Helen"s life. But without that kind and
warm heaned nurse, how could little Annie become such a kind-hearted teacher?
      And so it goes. Just how far back does the chain of love make bigger? And how far forward will it lead?
     You can never ignore the power of your love. It is a fire that, once lit, may burn forever. 1. What does the underlined sentence in the second paragraph mean? A. When young, Sullivan was not afraid of hardship.
B. Hardship knew Sullivan when she was young.
C. When young, Sullivan experienced much hardship.
D. When young, Sullivan knew much about hardship. 2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Keller"s teacher was completely blind and deaf.
B. Sullivan was once mentally ill.
C. Sullivan recovered with the help of an old nurse.
D. Sullivan tried to be as helpful as the old nurse. 3. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word " flickering"? A. Burning brightly.
B. Burning unsteadily.
C. Shining violently.
D. Shining strongly. 4. According to the development of the passage, the right order may be___.
①People noticed a little gentleness and love in Sullivan.
②Sullivan was locked in a dark underground basement of a mental institution.
③They moved her upstairs to improve.
④An elderly nurse comforted and encouraged her.
⑤She found hope in Helen Keller. A. ②-③-⑤-④-①
B. ②-④-①-③-⑤
C. ③-②-④-⑤-①
D. ③-④-②-⑤-①
