
Have you ever simply wanted to give without expecting anything in return? It’s 1 to do. Most look for a reward in some way. I know I did, most of the time, but then a TV program of “Oprah” inspired me. She gave everyone in the audience $1,000 to spend on a complete 2,accompanied by a video camera to 3 what they did with the money.
Two sisters from Georgia 4from the crowd in my mind---they put their money together to give to “My sister’s House”, a 5that helps battered(受虐的) women and children. Not only did they 6 their money, but they told everyone in their town about the organization. It was amazing that people were crazy to ring and 7money, baby clothing, and more.
This story made me realize how often I expect things from others and how 8I give things in return. I don’t have a thousand dollars to spend on a stranger, but I do have a heart that is full of love and generosity. I now hold doors open for others and 9at people I don’t know, because a smile is contagious(有感染力的) and I try to bring as much happiness as I can into others’ lives. It’s difficult, but I feel it is really 10 .

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