
About 70 scientists worked on a very busy project. They were really 1 because of the pressure of work and the demands of their 2. However, everyone liked him and did not 3 quitting their job.
One day, one scientist came to him and said, “Sir, I have promised my 4 that I will take them to an exhibition, 5 I want to leave the office at 5:30 pm.”
His boss said, “You’re 6 to leave the office early today.”
The scientist started working. He 7 his work after having lunch. 8, he had such a heavy work load that he looked at his 9 only when he felt he was about to 10 the work. The time was 8:30 pm. 11, he remembered the promise he had 12. He hurriedly left the office, feeling 13 to have disappointed the ones he loved so much. He got home, but only his wife was in.
“Where are they?” he asked.
His wife 14, “You don’t know? Your boss came here at 5:15 pm and took them to the exhibition.”
What had really happened was like this. The boss noticed him working 15 at 5:00 pm. He thought to himself, “This person will not 16 the work. But if he has promised his children, they should enjoy the 17 to the exhibition.” So he offered to take them to the exhibition.
The boss does not have to do it 18, but once it is done, loyalty(忠诚)is established. That is why all those scientists continued to work 19 him even though the work was too 20.

afraid,angry,tired,bored,afraid,angry,tired,bored,boss,partner,teacher,company,boss,partner,teacher,company,keep on,set off,make up,think of,keep on,set off,make up,think of,students,friends,children,parents,students,friends,children,parents,as,so,but,if,as,so,but,if,meant,refused,allowed,fired,meant,refused,allowed,fired,continued,finished,checked,reduced,continued,finished,checked,reduced,So far,As a result,As usual,For example,So far,As a result,As usual,For example,timetable,watch,tools,papers,timetable,watch,tools,papers,design,report,hate,complete,design,report,hate,complete,Suddenly,Strangely,Unexpectedly,Unfortunately,Suddenly,Strangely,Unexpectedly,Unfortunately,done,set,made,had,done,set,made,had,painful,shy,excited,sorry,painful,shy,excited,sorry,begged,replied,whispered,shouted,begged,replied,whispered,shouted,carelessly,skillfully,unhappily,seriously,carelessly,skillfully,unhappily,seriously,value,leave,choose,like,value,leave,choose,like,promise,way,visit,interest,promise,way,visit,interest,every time,on purpose,at once,in turn,every time,on purpose,at once,in turn,on,at,under,in,on,at,under,in,dangerous,boring,worthless,much,dangerous,boring,worthless,much
